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Maundy Thursday Supper/Service and Easter Brunch

Stone Soup Supper for Maundy Thursday- 6pm Thursday April 5: Do you remember the folktale about Stone Soup? No one person had enough food to make a meal, but when each person brought one small item for the pot, the village was able to make a wonderful soup for all to share.  We ask everyone, if you are able, to bring a can of soup to the church kitchen before 4pm on April 5. Soups can be either vegetable or meat-based. Your church chefs will put the soups together with good basic broth, add some bread and fruit, and we will have a simple but hearty meal for Maundy Thursday Dinner. Our Communion that evening will be held around the supper table, so please plan to join us for the meal before our Maundy Thursday Tenebrae service.

Easter Brunch: Please join us for a delicious brunch of baked goods, egg dishes and fruit following the Easter worship service.  It’s not a potluck, but we do welcome contributions of your favorite brunch dish (if you’d like to contribute, let Anne Hay know- phone 206-484-3036 or


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