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What Defines Us

When their minivan was hit by a drunk driver, Gerald Sittser lost his mother, wife and daughter all at one time. Sittser, a religion professor, escaped without physical injury but was then forced to navigate his extreme loss. Eventually he concluded that “the experience of loss does not need to be the defining moment of our story” (quoted in AHA, by Kyle Idleman). Instead, “the defining moment can be our response to the loss,” Sittser says.

“In this world you will have trouble,” Jesus warns in John 16:33 (NIV) — no sugar-coating or pretending there. But then he says, “Take heart!” Jesus doesn’t want our troubles to define us; he wants to define us! The defining truth of our story is that Jesus has “overcome the world” — even at its worst. He’s stronger than our struggles and sorrows. And in him, so are we.

—Heidi Mann


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