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Sunday Morning Adult Education

Our next adult education series is called Being Presbyterian: Foundations of Presbyterian Discipleship. It was produced by Theocademy, a project of the Synod of Mid-America in conjunction with several other Midwestern synods and seminaries. This is how Theocademy describes the video/discussion series:
To be Presbyterian is to join a way of life informed by a particular rhythm: God calls us in grace and love; we respond in gratitude. This video series will introduce this basic rhythm of life all Presbyterians are asked to be a part of.
  • Lesson 1: A People of Grace – for Presbyterians the first thing we need to know is that God is a God of Grace. This truth affects every aspect of our life. (October 25)
  • Lesson 2: Wicked Bad – why do we talk about sin and evil? Are we saying that we’re wicked bad? Are we the worst of the worst? (November 1)
  • Lesson 3: Who do they say that I am? – We are asked to name Jesus as our “Lord and Savior.” What does that really mean? (November 8)
  • Lesson 4: Update Your Faith System – Study and worship are vital aspects of “being Presbyterian.” (November 15)
  • Lesson 5: Blessed to be a Blessing – God has not called us to be concerned about ourselves. Our focus on fellowship and mission reminds us of that. (November 22)
This series is designed for lifetime Presbyterians, those new to the Reformed faith, and everyone in between. We hope that we who participate in this series will experience growth in our spiritual lives and a deepening of our connections with one another. Please join us on Sunday mornings in the library after fellowship.

Pastor Karen


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