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This Sunday at Wedgwood....

Pastor Karen is back in the pulpit.  The staff is back from furlough, vacations and the all church retreat and we are excited to get the fall programs under way.  Join us this Sunday!

Children's Sunday School Resumes September 16th at 11:00am

Children ages three through eighteen are encouraged to attend Sunday School after worship and fellowship time.  Join with similarly aged students as you engage in discussion and immerse yourself in further study of the lectionary Bible stories.  Your leaders will use material from Seasons of the Spirit, an ecumenical resource following the reformed common lectionary.  The lectionary provides for an orderly exploration of Scripture connecting worship and education.  The common scripture readings draw us into the story of God’s creation; God’s calling and forming a people; the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; and the stories of the early church in the world.  When you hear the ringing of the bell, I hope you come downstairs to join us in the Fellowship Hall. 

Adult Sunday School Resumes September 16th at 11:00am

Just as we support and encourage our preschool aged through college students as they approach a new year of learning filled with a myriad of possibilities and the excitement of discovery, I encourage you too to join your peers on your journey of faith.  Worshipping together as a congregation is the lifeblood that defines us as Wedgwood Presbyterian Church.  Joining with others in a group that provides for discussion and deeper study of the Bible is a way for us to support and encourage each other in our spiritual development.  Our adult Sunday School class allows you the opportunity to do just that.  You can meet with other adults for further study after the worship service starting at 11:00am in the Library.  Feel free to come one Sunday or every Sunday for an hour’s worth of faith development.


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