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Lenten Soup Supper….Mondays during Lent 6:00pm

There are many different ways of praying. We pray most frequently with spoken words, but that is not always the way for which we are best suited. Some might find prayer through singing or music meaningful. Others might pray through dance or movement. And still others might find contemplative or meditative silences to be the best way to commune with God. If you would like to explore different ways of praying, please join Pastor Karen for a simple supper and and an hour or so of prayer on Monday evenings during Lent. Supper will be at 6 PM (sometimes in conjunction with the elementary fellowship group) followed by prayer in the sanctuary at 6:30. At the end of each prayer session, we will spend about 10 minutes in conversation in pairs, discovering where each person felt, heard, and saw God at work not only in the prayer time but in the previous week. Childcare is provided. Donations to help cover the cost of supper are welcome.


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