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Where is God: Finding Emmanuel in Everyday Life

Session has chosen a theme for 2011. It is “Where is God: Finding Emmanuel in Everyday Life.” Our hope is that in the course of the year, we will be able not only to explore the ways we find and see God in our lives but that we will also deepen our awareness of God’s presence in the process.

“Where is God: Finding Emmanuel in Everyday Life” is a broad theme, one that encompasses so much of how we live, work and worship. In order to help us more fully explore our theme, the Session has named an area of focus for each month. Through these areas of focus, we will consider how we meet and experience God a variety of different ways.

The areas of focus are:

February – prayer

March – suffering/the cross

April – resurrection

May – worship and sacraments

June – family

July – play/joy

August – creation

September – work and school (vocation)

October – music

November – the church

December – the incarnation

There are several ways that we are hoping to highlight the area of focus each month. I am planning to select scripture passages and preach on the area of focus on the first Sunday of each month rather than using the lectionary readings for that particular day. We’re also planning for a monthly activity for the congregation that will further illuminate the theme. In the dark and rainy months of the year, we’re planning to offer a movie and discussion. For the nicer months, we’re planning for other activities such as attending a concert, picnicking at the beach, and playing at a park. In addition, there will be book suggestion in each Messenger so that we will all have another avenue for exploring the theme.

I love the direction that Session has taken in this endeavor and am very excited about the many ways these focused conversations and times of reflection can deepen our faith and life together. In addition to the things that I’ve mentioned, departments and committees are ways to incorporate the theme and areas of focus in their classes, programs, and activities.

I invite you to join us on a journey of faith this year as we explore what it means to be loved by God in this time in our lives.

Peace be with you!



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