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Showing posts from January, 2016

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

From the North Helpline:   Thanks to volunteers from Maple Leaf Lutheran Church, Wedgwood Community Church, Wedgwood Presbyterian Church (THESE BENCHES ARE GREAT), and Sand Point Community United Methodist for coming to volunteer with us. We had 50 volunteers helping us do everything from sort food to build benches for our clients waiting in line. We feel so grateful to be a part of their service to our community. Check out the photos at the links below: Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service  

Martin Luther King Jr., Day of Service

Please join us on Monday, January 18th from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the North Helpline Food Bank as we gather together with other neighborhood congregations (Wedgwood Community, Sandpoint United Methodist and Maple Leaf Lutheran Churches) for a day of service and giving to our community. For more information see /