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Showing posts from November, 2013

Interfaith Service 2013 - November 26th 7:00pm

The pastoral care department at Children’s Hospital is hosting the interfaith service this year. Because of their schedule, the service will be held on Tuesday, November 26 at 7 PM. Click on the flyer for more information.

Thanksgiving Dinner and Potluck - Saturday, November 23rd at 5:30pm

Thanksgiving Dinner and Potluck 5:30pm Saturday, November 23rd               You Are invited! Invite friends and relatives to share our fellowship! Please bring a side dish, salad, dessert or your most requested dish to share.  Turkey, rolls, stuffing and beverages will be provided. Call the office at 206.525.8787 to arrange for transportation .

Drop In Game Night! Tonight at the Church. November 1, 2013

Drop In Game Night! Tonight at the church. Bring your favorite games, your beverage of choice, and some snacks to share, and we’ll play games together. Pastor Karen and family will arrive at 4:30pm. Pizza will be ordered at 6:00pm, so be sure to be at church by 6:00pm if you want to get in on the pizza order. Should be a really fun time!