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Showing posts from February, 2013

Lenten Brunch Potluck - February 17th

Please join us for a pot-luck brunch on the first Sunday of Lent, February 17, after worship. Please bring something to share. Beverages and condiments will be provided. In the spirit of Lent, keep it simple and come enjoy the fellowship.  

Ash Wednesday Schedule

We will begin our season of prayer with an Ash Wednesday Observance on Wednesday, February 13. The sanctuary will be open at 7:30 AM, Noon, and 7:00 PM for one hour each. There will be an opportunity for those who drop by to pray with a devotional guide, reflect on Scripture, and receive the imposition of ashes on their forehead as a reminder of their humanity and their commitment to Christ.

Souper Bowl of Caring - Sunday, February 3rd

Souper Bowl of Caring - Be part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need.   As you exit the sanctuary after worship, please drop your coins or a dollar bill into soup pots held by our young friends on Souper Bowl Sunday, February 3.   All funds donated will be given to Heifer and cans of food will be used to stock the Emergency Feeding Program shelves.