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Showing posts from September, 2012

Crock Pot Cook off and Dance!

This Sunday at Wedgwood

We want to encourage you to stay for the Fifth Sunday Potluck and Music Playing this Sunday, September 30 following Worship. It was so wonderful listening to all the musicians at the Retreat Campfire and the summer picnic impromptu jam session that we are encouraging them to come, eat, and make music this Sunday too.  Bring a potluck item, an instrument if you have one and/or your tapping feet.  All are invited to stay and enjoy this informal gathering at Wedgwood Presbyterian. Children's Sunday School and Adult Education will resume October 7 at 11:00am.  The teachers are having a blast leading your children - we love 'em!  Pastor Karen is facilitating lively discussions around the book Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church is Transforming the Faith.  The topic on October 7 will be Contemplation.  You can find the adults in the library and children should come downstairs to the Fellowship Hall.

Meet the candidates for State Representative in the 46th District!

Meet the candidates for State Representative in the 46th District!  You are invited to attend a Legislative District Candidate Forum; meet candidates for Washington State House of Representatives: Position 1: Sylvester Cann and Gerry Pollet Position 2: Jessyn Farrell and Sarajane Siegfriedt Date and Time : Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 7:30 P.M. Place: Wedgwood Presbyterian Church, 8008 35th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115 Sponsored by University Unitarian Church Get Money Out of Politics Group and Wedgwood Justice and Peace Coalition

Adult Education, Sunday's at 11:00am

September through November 18 2012, we will be using the book Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church is Transforming the Faith .   Our Pastor will lead a different conversation each week based on the ten signposts of renewal: Hospitality, Discernment, Healing, Contemplation, Testimony, Diversity, Justice, Worship, Reflection and Beauty.

Potluck Brunch

Sunday, September 30th Fifth Sunday Potluck Brunch  Bring a dish to share! Join us!

This Sunday at Wedgwood....

Pastor Karen is back in the pulpit.  The staff is back from furlough, vacations and the all church retreat and we are excited to get the fall programs under way.  Join us this Sunday! Children's Sunday School Resumes September 16th at 11:00am Children ages three through eighteen are encouraged to attend Sunday School after worship and fellowship time.  Join with similarly aged students as you engage in discussion and immerse yourself in further study of the lectionary Bible stories.  Your leaders will use material from Seasons of the Spirit, an ecumenical resource following the reformed common lectionary.  The lectionary provides for an orderly exploration of Scripture connecting worship and education.  The common scripture readings draw us into the story of God’s creation; God’s calling and forming a people; the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; and the stories of the early church in the world.  When you hear the ringing of the bell...