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Showing posts from March, 2011

Lenten Soup Supper….Mondays during Lent 6:00pm

There are many different ways of praying. We pray most frequently with spoken words, but that is not always the way for which we are best suited. Some might find prayer through singing or music meaningful. Others might pray through dance or movement. And still others might find contemplative or meditative silences to be the best way to commune with God. If you would like to explore different ways of praying, please join Pastor Karen for a simple supper and and an hour or so of prayer on Monday evenings during Lent. Supper will be at 6 PM (sometimes in conjunction with the elementary fellowship group) followed by prayer in the sanctuary at 6:30. At the end of each prayer session, we will spend about 10 minutes in conversation in pairs, discovering where each person felt, heard, and saw God at work not only in the prayer time but in the previous week. Childcare is provided. Donations to help cover the cost of supper are welcome.

Shrove Tuesday/Fat Tuesday Celebration March 8, 2011 5:30pm

Shrove Tuesday/Fat Tuesday Celebration March 8, 2011 5:30pm Save the date for our recognition of the night before Ash Wednesday called Fat Tuesday/Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday. The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, has long been called Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras in French, Mardi = Tuesday; gras = fat), Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday. It is called Fat Tuesday because on that day a thrifty person would use up the fats that would have been kept around (the can of bacon drippings, or whatever) for cooking, but that wouldn’t have been used during Lent. Another name for the day before the beginning of Lent is Shrove Tuesday. The name comes from the old English word shrive which means to confess. In England, since pancakes are a standard way of using up fat, the day is also called Pancake Tuesday. We will be recognizing Fat Tuesday with a meal, live music, pancake flipping races, and more. We will also burn the palms from last year’s Palm Sunday to make the ashes for t...

Ash Wednesday Service March 9th 7:00pm

Wedgwood Presbyterian Church Ash Wednesday Service March 9th at 7:00pm All are Welcome!

Movie Night On The Waterfront Friday, March 18th 7:00pm Fireside Room

On The Waterfront is an intense film starring Marlon Brando, Karl Malden and Lee J. Cobb. The movie tells the story of a young man trapped in a life on the docks who dreams of getting out. This movie is not suitable for young children. Please let Karen or Jennifer know if you would like to attend and need childcare. Popcorn will be provided.