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Showing posts from December, 2010

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Sunday, January 30, 2011

PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER Pancakes, Sausage, Fruit, Scrambled Eggs, Juice, Coffee TO BENEFIT THE ALL CHURCH RETREAT Sunday, January 30, 2011 - Fellowship Hall Immediately Following the Annual Congregation Meeting. We hope to see you there!

Gifts of Warmth Distribution New Year’s Day, 12:00pm

Thank you for the clothing items our young people collected two weeks ago. The gifts of warmth will be put to good use. As we stand outdoors at 6th and James Street and serve a hot holiday meal prepared by Compass to over one hundred people in need on New Year’s Day, we have the added pleasure of distributing your gifts of warmth. You can still donate gifts of waterproof gloves (size L and XL, especially needed), wool socks and hats and other warm clothing items. The gifts can be placed in the decorated box in the Fireside Room up until December 31st. Each year, the children and adults of Wedgwood Presbyterian look forward to participating in this mission outreach to many people. Anyone interested in joining us as we head downtown at 12:00pm on New Year’s Day, we would love to have your company. Please tell Jennifer Houston if you would like to come along. We’ll meet at the church at 12:00pm to carpool and be finished by 2:30pm. You can come for an hour or stay for the whole t...

Gifts of Warmth Offering Taken This Sunday December 19th during Sunday Worship

The Elementary Fellowship, Middle and High School Youth Group and their families will distribute your gifts of waterproof gloves, wool socks, and hats downtown on New Year’s Day. They will also serve a hot meal at the outdoor site. This mission outreach to hundreds of people is much anticipated each year by those children and adults who have participated. All others who are interested in joining us as we head downtown at 12:00pm on New Year’s Day, we would love to have your company. Please let Jennifer Houston know that you would like to come along. Clothing items can be left at church until December 31st. Thank you!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Friday, December 24th 7:30pm Wedgwood Presbyterian Church Come and share in the joyous celebration of Jesus' birth. Uplifted by the special music and hymns, inspired by the wonderful Christmas story, united in voice as we sing Silent Night with our candles lit, this will be a special holiday time for all. Coming to worship this night is a great way to keep Christ in Christmas.

Christmas Caroling in the Neighborhood

Sunday, December 19, 2010 Meet at the church at 5:00pm I hope you can join us as we commence with song, first at the reindeer pen at Hunter’s Tree Farm and then around the neighborhood. We sing about the birth of Christ, no matter the weather, so remember your hat and mittens (and maybe an umbrella). We’ll return to church for a snack and hot apple cider. Please meet us outside at the 80th street door and invite a friend.

Wedgwood Presbyterian Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 12, 2010 6:30pm

What Child Was This? Youth Program and Carol Sing Sunday, December 12, 2010 6:30pm Come and enjoy the retelling of the birth of Jesus as presented by the children and teens of this church. This much anticipated event is a special time in the life of Wedgwood Presbyterian Church and our community. Invite your family and friends to witness this dramatization and to stay for the singing of Christmas Carols and Songs. Thank you for always supporting the youngest in our midst.