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Showing posts from August, 2009

Choir Practice Resumes September 9th!

Wedgwood Presbyterian Choir meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9:00 PM in room MR (Music Room, also known as B1). All are welcome. If you are interested in joining the choir, feel free to attend the first rehearsal or see Lisa for more information and any questions you may have.

Iron Goat Trail Hike - September 3rd

UPDATED INFORMATION Iron Goat Trail Hike - Thursday, September 3rd - Endre Dale has offered to lead a hike to the Iron Goat Trail on Thursday, September 3rd. We'll meet at 8:00am in the church parking lot to carpool. The trail is sixty miles northeast of Seattle and goes along the upper and lower sections of an abandoned Great Northern Railway grade. Endre has been a volunteer trail builder there since the '90's and spends most Saturdays building and maintaining the trail. We are so fortunate to have an expert on the history and the building of the Iron Goat Trail lead us on this hike. Six miles of the trail are barrier free. Find out more about the Iron Goat Trail from the brochures in the Fireside Room or ask Endre when you see him on Sunday mornings. Thank you, Endre!

Short Sunday and All Church Picnic

On August 23rd, we'll have a Short Sunday do over (July's planned Short Sunday was rained out). Short Sunday is a short worship service on the South Lawn. You are welcome to wear shorts and other casual attire. Service starts at 9:30am Also on August 23rd: The Church Picnic will follow worship, and will also take place on the South Lawn. We'll provide grills, beverages, condiments and paper plates. Please bring a dish to share and your own meat to grill (if you wish).

In The News....

Photo by Mike Siegel/The Seattle Times Follow the link below for an article in the Seattle Times about Wedgwood Presbyerian Member Don Van Wieringen and the Bastyr Chapel.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the 5th Avenue in October

Renee Lang and I realized several months ago that we both wanted to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the 5th Avenue in October. As we discussed it we picked up several interested people along the way and would like to extend the invitation further. We have chosen to go Sunday October 25, 2009. The matinee begins at 1:30. The ticket prices include a group discount and $1.00 per ticket service charge. The more tickets I purchase the more the discount so the prices may go down. As of right now the tickets range from $65.75 - $74.75 depending upon where we sit. If you would like to join us, please let me know no later than August 31, 2009. I will be ordering the tickets on September 1st. My email is My cell phone is 206-228-8356 My home phone is 425-486-6314 Please feel free to leave a message on either phone if I don't answer. Also I will be in church the next 2 Sundays and you can talk to me then. Thanks, Marilee

The Search for Happiness

NBC News set out to discover how joyous people found happiness. During one brief segment, a reporter interviewed several nuns who lived in a convent. They portrayed happiness, and their life expectancy was 10 years beyond that of the average woman. One nun, Sister Genevieve Kunkel, felt hope was the clue to inner joy. She said, "If you hope, you cope. If you don't, you mope." Used with permission from: NewsletterNewsletter Content August 2007