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Showing posts from September, 2014


Starting September 7th!                                         Worship time will change to 10:00am                       Education time will change to 11:30am    Our worship services on Sunday morning are celebrations of our life in Christ, but for some individuals and families, getting to church by 9:30 (or 8:45 if they sing in the choir!) is a challenge that adds a layer of stress to a meaningful experience. In the hope of easing the rush of Sunday morning, we will be adjusting our Sunday schedule beginning September 7th. Our Fall schedule will include choir rehearsal at 9:15, worship at 10:00 with fellowship time following the service, and education classes for 45 minutes beginning at 11:30. The Session plans to maintain this schedule from September through mid-June then revert to 9:30 worship during the summer months. It is our hope that this change in schedule will give us all a little more space in our Sunday mornings.

All Church Picnic - September 7th

All Church Picnic September 7th On the South Lawn Worship service begins at 10:00am. Picnic to follow worship. Welcome back from our summer vacations, and welcome to the new Sunday School year. We provide beverages, hotdogs and condiments - please bring something to share at the picnic. -From Membership & Evangelism Committee