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Showing posts from August, 2012

Carrying Hope

Vaclav Havel served a total of 13 years as the leader of Czechoslovakia and then the Czech Republic. His hope and perseverance helped him endure the years before, while he and his country suffered under the oppression of Communism. Longing for his land to be free, he wrote books and encouraged others during that time of suffering. When he became the elected leader of the freed Czech nation he wrote these words: "Hope is a feeling that life and work have meaning. ... I cannot imagine that I could strive for something if I did not carry hope in me. I am thankful to God for this gift. It is as big as life itself." St. Paul wrote of faith, hope and love abiding, saying that "the greatest of these is love" (1 Corinthians 13:13, NRSV). True, but faith and hope still must abide. Indeed they are absolutely necessary. -Charles Ferrell  

This Week at Wedgwood

SUNDAY, August 19th - 9:30am Join us for a wonderful worship service led by members of our congregation! The Peace Fellowship Group will be preaching.   Mary M. will be leading music. Mark Your Calendar: August 26 – Church Picnic - Worship *10:30am, Picnic 11:30am – outdoors on the South Lawn. We provide hotdogs, beverages, plates and grill, you bring your favorite picnic food.  *Note change in worship time.

This Week at Wedgwood

SUNDAY, August 12th - 9:30am Join us for a wonderful worship service led by members of our congregation! Bruce M. will be preaching. David H. will be leading music.   Mark Your Calendar:   August 26 – Church Picnic - Worship *10:30am, Picnic 11:30am – outdoors on the South Lawn. We provide hotdogs, beverages, plates and grill, you bring your favorite picnic food.  *Note change in worship time.


SUNDAY, August 5th - 9:30am Join us for a wonderful worship service led by our guest preacher and members of our congregation! The Rev. Dave H. will our guest preacher. Mary M. will be leading music. Mark Your Calendar:   August 26 – Church Picnic - Worship *10:30am, Picnic 11:30am – outdoors on the South Lawn. We provide hotdogs, beverages, plates and grill, you bring your favorite picnic food.  *Note change in worship time.